4 years ago
Is the NFT wave a permanent thing or is it just a volatile, temporary phenomenon?
There is so much hype and excitement about NFTs and there are so many people making money in the NFT space. But is this a permanent move towards the future versus a temporary way to trade crypto. ( More )
4 years ago
Why do people feel the need to compare celebrities?
Why do people feel the need to compare celebrities, especially artists? And not from a constructive criticism or teaching standpoint? ( More )
4 years ago
How will nature be affected negatively or positively by the metaverse?
How will nature be affected by the much anticipated metaverse? Positive? Negative? Both? And why? ( More )
4 years ago
Has science truly progressed for the better?
Has science truly progressed for the better? Or are we headed for a danger zone? ( More )
4 years ago
Which is the best marketing strategy?
With soooo many marketing strategy options out there and SEO, Social Media & Paid Ads being the most popular. Not to mention, the recent trend of Influencer Marketing giving a close follow. Which strategy or strategies are the best? Why? And for who? ( More )