Author: thelazymarketer

What is Blogging to You?
What is Blogging to You?

There are so many new-age terms floating around these days. This especially applies to the Internet. Many older individuals and …

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Create a Blog
Create a Blog

It seems that each generation finds some new way of expressing themselves that seeps into the general public. In many …

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Blogging Can Help You Stick To That New Year’s Resolution
Blogging Can Help You Stick To That New Year’s Resolution

Research shows that millions of Americans made at least one New Year’s Resolution this year – but that the real …

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Blog Your Way To The Bank
Blog Your Way To The Bank

Haven’t you heard about the Blog Marketing Explosion ? Blogs are weblogs, updated weekly or daily. It is an online …

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Blogs For Kids
Blogs For Kids

Flush out the writer in children. Blogging could draw out a young writer and open doors to their future. Consider …

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How to Submit A Blog Post on TLMC
How to Submit A Blog Post on TLMC

Submitting guest posts are easier than you think, especially on TLMC. All it takes is these few steps: Write/Create an …

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